Local Laws

LOCAL LAW 1-2024

Amendments to Section 128-1 & Section 128-2

The current proposed law states:

LOCAL LAW 1-2024

Use of Metal Detection Devices on Village Owned Property

Section 128.1: Legislative intent is repealed. 


Section 128.1 Legislative intent.

The Village acknowledges that certain artifacts, objects and relics may be found by individuals using metal detection devices while on Village grounds. The purpose of this section is to allow metal detection devices to be used on Village property while preserving the integrity of any objects found of historical significance.

Section 128.2: Legislative intent is repealed.


Section 128.2 Use of Metal Detection Devices on Village Owned Property.

The Village agrees to grant up to three (3) special use permits to individuals to use metal detection devices on Village property. Applicants will need to complete an application provided by the Village. The application shall contain the conditions and rules for the granting of the Special Use Permit as well as the duration of the Permit. No activities permitted by this section shall be conducted in Falkner Park.

Activities shall not interfere with the use and enjoyment of the Village lands or the maintenance thereof by Village Employees. Any items retrieved must be brought to the Village. Applicant acknowledges any item found belongs to the Village of Youngtown, which retains sole authority to keep any item(s) recovered.



LOCAL LAW 2-2022

Amendments to Section 241-31 & Section 241-32

Section 241.31 Control of equipment on private property; right of entry.

shall be amended to read (added amendments in red):

The property owner hereby grants the Village of Youngstown such control over the service pipe,  connections and meter on his premises as may be required to carry out the rules and regulations of said village and agrees that the employees of said village may enter upon said premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting said water pipes, meter and appurtenances thereto or to discontinue and shut off the supply of water to said premises in case the property owner should fail to comply with the rules and regulations of the said village.

The right of entry shall be at all times that the ownership and beneficial use of the property is being transferred or upon reasonable suspicion that the system is not operating properly.


Section 241.32 Backflow prevention devices.

Subsection F Offenses (change title from Penalties for offenses)

Section (2):

shall be amended to read:

Current: In the event that such violation is not terminated within the time specified within said notice, the violator shall be liable to the people of the Village of Youngstown for a penalty of not more than $1,000.

Proposed: In the event a violation is not terminated within the time specified within said notice, the violator shall be liable for the fees as are set forth in this Chapter.


Section 241.32 Backflow prevention devices.

Subsection F Offenses (change title from Penalties for offenses to Offenses)

Section (3):

shall be amended to read:

Current: Every week that a violation is allowed to continue beyond the time specified in said notice shall constitute a separate violation.

Proposed: Each day that a violation is continued beyond the time specified in said notice shall constitute a separate violation.


Section 241-33 Penalties for offenses.

shall be created to read:

A person violating any of the provisions of this Article shall be guilty of a violation and, upon conviction thereof which shall be punishable by a maximum fine of $250.00 per violation or by a term of imprisonment of not more than fifteen (15) days per violation.



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